Sunday, August 29, 2010

Regret? Humff WEAK!

The other day I was helping a customer and she mentioned that she thinks people that say they have no regrets are either lying or are a little stupid. I think that statement is entirely unfair and very prejudice. And a little stupid as well. I completely understand wishing that events in our life didn't happen because they were painful or hard to live through. Regret for me is like hate. It is a very strong word. And only to be used when absolutely necessary. I think of it as a no holds bared word as if it were a curse word. When you regret you basically want to change the natural order of things, and we have all seen how those face lift turn out, not pretty!

For me regret would be something that had no lesson in it. It would be something like a plain crash. And I suppose that there is even a lesson to learn in that. Don't land in a corn field or fly into a flocks of seagulls. Unless it remove the hair cut from history. See there's a thing to regret. A bad hair cut. You learn nothing from that other than perms aren't for everyone. Oh look another lesson. This one is fixable however. Regret is a word we use when we don't know how to categorize something or how to process it. We may understand what has happened but we don't know what to do with it. It is a useless emotional word that solves nothing. The event or circumstances is life altering in some way and usually not to pleasant. Regret should be something truly dreadful. Perhaps regret is a word used when we can't solve a problem, or feel overwhelmed by a past situation.

I only bring this up because I think of my self as not having regrets. And I wouldn't say I'm stupid. That would be like standing up and saying I'm learning disabled, get me a standardized test and I'll prove it! I have been through a bit in my life, as we all have, and I am glad of every last piece of it. Was some of it unfortunate, well yes. Everything makes us stronger and helps us learn to make better choices. I hate the saying, whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger. But it is true. I'm just really afraid of finding that gray line and being pushed over it. With each test we prove what we can live through. Bad jobs, bed bugs, multiple relocations and near bankruptcies be DAMNED!!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with what you say re: regret. I think the same thing could be said for guilt. A negative, destructive feeling that has no long term benefits. Even if motivated by guilt or regret, it never lasts.
    I am glad you have reached a point in life where you have no regrets. I have one question though? Bed Bugs?
